Post by Manager TR on Dec 6, 2012 11:34:49 GMT
Bilindigi uzere modern Airbuslarda (A38x A34x A33x A32x) rota MCDUya girilir. Kitalararasi ucuslarda NATlari girerken veya herhangi bir noktaya fix atmak istediginizde rotaya koordinat girmeniz gerekecektir. Bunun icin asagidaki yontem izlenir:
The waypoints can be entered in the MCDU using Latitude/Longitude coordinates. Enter the waypoint coordinates as a AABBCCD string, where the coordinates are AA°BB.CC and D is the orientation (N or S for the latitude, E or W for the longitude).
Example: To enter a waypoint which laititude is 56°23.45N and longitude is 110°12.34E, enter: 562345N/1101234E